A Mole of a Problem
Moles are common in every person and regardless or your race, age and social status, you can have that brown or black moles in your face or hidden in your body. You may also be born with numerous moles while some moles may appear during your early childhood years up to the time when you reach the age 30. But in the passing of years, your moles can also change in appearance—it may change its size, color or hair can even grow in your mole. Some moles may also not change in appearance at all while other moles could disappear naturally.

Although most moles are non-cancerous, some types of moles can be bothersome. The mole can be as small as a ballpoint dot, it can be as big as a pinhead, or it can even be bigger as the head of a pencil eraser. You are fortunate if you just have small moles but it is a different story for people who are born with extremely big moles. Big moles located in the exposed area of your skin especially the face could cause anxiety or it could even have an effect in your self-esteem.
Big hairy moles located in the tip of your nose, in your eyelid or near your lips could attract unwanted attention. You will not even know if the person you are talking to understand what you are saying or if they are distracted by your big mole. And since you can develop up to 40 moles in your adult age, you will never know if your mole will remain small or it will grow big. So, it is better to have your moles remove and seek effective and safe mole removal treatment.
Causes & Types of Moles
You body is made up of cells and lots and lots of it. However, there are some cells like melanocytes that can clump in clusters and form and grow as your mole. The natural pigment of melanocytes gives your moles its natural color and it can be brown, black, blue, white, red and pink moles. The color of your mole can also be heightened after your exposure to the sun or it can also change its color during your pregnancy. It is to note that most moles are non-cancerous but there are moles that can develop into melanoma, a type of skin cancer. To help know if you will likely develop skin cancer of if your mole will remain benign, know the type of moles found in your body like:
Dysplastic nevi— The moles that can develop into a melanoma, a type of skin cancer, fall under the type of dysplastic nevi. The usual color of dysplastic nevis or moles are dark brownish color in the center while its uneven or ragged edges could have a lighter brown coloring, they are shaped irregularly and they can grow as big or even bigger than a pencil eraser. If you have dysplastic nevi moles, then the number of your moles can reach above 100. One or more of those numerous moles can change in its appearance or size so it is advisable to seek professional help or have your moles removed.
Congenital nevi—these are moles that develop before birth or appear at your birth. Researches show that one out of about 100 people has congenital nevi yet as compared to dysplastic nevi, these types of moles are likely to develop into skin cancer than moles that developed or appeared after your birth. So, if a congenital nevi has a size of over 7 mm, consult a skin specialist or have your moles removed.
Halo Naevus—these are the types of moles that are light-colored rounded band or halo around the mole’s outer sides. Halo naevus moles mostly appear in young adults especially on their teen years but as they age, the moles will gradually and naturally vanish. However, just like other moles, any changes in appearance or color should be consulted to a skin specialist and remove moles.
Atypical Naevi—these are moles that are much bigger and larger in size than other types of moles and are also irregularly-shaped. If you have atypical naevi moles, regularly check any changes and consult your skin specialist for its unusual edges just to make sure that will not develop into melanoma. There are mole removal options to help you get rid of moles that make you feel uncomfortable.
Seborrheic Keratoses—mostly found on old people, these moles are colored black or brown, its appearance could be fleshy and its shape could be round. Even though seborrheic keratoses can be benign, you can have your moles removed especially if the moles are unpleasant to look at.
Moles and Skin Cancer
Most moles in your body are benign or non-cancerous yet there are types of moles that have a tendency to develop into a type of skin cancer. So, consult a skin specialist and have your moles removed if you notice the following:
Moles that doesn’t look the same when it first appeared
Moles that look oddly different from your other moles
Moles that change in color, shape, size and even height
Moles that bleed, painful and tender to the touch, feels itchy and appear scaly
Changes in your moles should be taken seriously. Even though moles can look harmless, moles that are often exposed to the sun can develop into melanoma. So if you developed a new mole especially in your skin areas that are often exposed to the sun like your face, neck, ears, chest arms and your hands, then take notice and remove moles especially if you see any changes.
Mole Treatment and Mole Removal
Consulting a skin specialist is the first step that you need to do when you feel your mole itching or its shape and size changing. However, even though your moles may not develop into melanoma, you have the option to remove moles and seek mole treatment. Remove moles that can obstruct or hinder your utmost life performance like moles in the tip of your nose, eyelids, lips of any big moles in your face. Even though your moles are found to be benign, unnaturally big and benign moles with ragged-edges could still affect your self-esteem.
So, why suffer if you could have your moles removed especially that there are now mole removal treatment options?
With mole removal treatment using Demole cream, you will no longer feel uncomfortable with your big mole. Removing mole with Demole cream is safe and effective especially that the cream uses natural herbal preparation from the oil of the cashew nut. So when your mole is causing you your self-confidence, have your moles removed safely and naturally without spending too much.
Although there are other mole removal treatment options like using liquid nitrogen to freeze and remove your moles using cryotherapy, removing moles through surgical incision, zapping your moles and removing them using laser surgery, or even removing moles by electrocautery, removing moles using Demole cream is still relatively painless and affordable as compared to the other mole removal treatments.
More so, herbal cautery using the herbal preparation Demole cream will leave no scarring or very minimal scarring as compared to other mole removal.