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What Do You Need To Know About Warts? 


Warts are skin growths that are non-cancerous and caused by a viral infection called human papillomavirus (HPV).  And out of 120 known strains of HPV today, there are about 60 HPV strains that could cause different types of warts especially HPV strains 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 27, 28, 29 and 49.   


HPV strains thrive in a wart-infected skin area and also in moist and warm places like bath houses, swimming pools or shower rooms.  Some HPV strains are not contagious while there are some that could easily infect your skin and spread to other parts of your body.  


Warts are common in children but it can also appear in young adults. However, not all young adults and children are susceptible to develop warts.  Researchers even cited that having a low immune system, your state of health and potency of HPV strains are other factors that could determine if you are likely to develop warts. 


Warts also often appear in the hands and feet but different types of warts can appear in any parts of your body like:


  • Common warts appear in the hands and feet.

  • Plantar warts appear in the sides and bottom of the feet.

  • Filiform wartsappear in the face.

  • Periungual warts are found in the skin around and under the toenails and fingernails.

  • Flat warts appear in the face and legs or areas that are often shaved.

  • Oral warts are found within or inside the oral cavity or in the lips.

  • Genital warts are found on and around the male and female genitals.

Common Warts


Common warts or verruca vulgaris mostly appear in your hands and feet.  Its size can be 10mm or it can be as small as a pinhead.  Common warts are raised and round skin growths that are shaped like a dome.  Common warts, mostly found on your fingers, in the skin around your nails and back of your hands, are skin-colored and if you touch it, it will feel a little rough. 



Your immune system, your state of health and the potency of the HPV strain are some of the cited causes why you either easily or will not develop common warts.  Yet the foremost causes for having the unsightly skin growth are the specific strains of HPV that causes warts. When the virus strain enters your damaged or broken skin, you are likely to develop common warts. So, it is highly advised to wash your hands with soap and water whenever possible or bring a hand sanitizer for your extra protection.




You will know that you have common warts once you see one.  Common warts are skin-colored and dome-shaped skin growths that can be as small as a pinhead or as big a 10mm in size.  It is not painful unlike the plantar warts.  Common warts are non-cancerous and mostly found in the hands and feet of children and young adults.  And although common warts can vanish after some months or even years, untreated common warts can be an eyesore.  In fact, some people can develop multiple or numerous common warts thus affecting self-esteem.        


Common Warts Treatment


Common warts can be an eyesore and irritating especially if it appears in the exposed areas of your skin. Good thing, common warts can be treated easily especially that common warts only stay on the surface of the skin and its roots are not deep.  So, using herbal cautery like the Dewart cream will remove and treat your wart problems.    


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The Dewart cream is a natural remedy for wart removal and it is by far the relatively painless, safe and affordable wart treatment option as compared to other wart removal options like cryotherapy or the freezing of common warts using liquid nitrogen, electrocautery using an electric needle, laser surgery, photodynamic therapy, good ol’ fashion surgery and even the home remedy of using duct tapes.


More so, other treatment options are expensive and painful.  Some procedures needed to be repeated before it can successfully remove the warts.  Yet removing common warts using herbal cautery, Dewart cream can give you of a relatively painless, effective yet affordable common wart treatment.

Plantar Warts


Plantar warts are found in the bottom of your feet and it can be one big wart or a group of smaller warts that grow in just one area of your foot. Plantar warts, also called mosaic warts because it was covered by a plaque looking covering that looks like a mosaic, are hard warts that look like small lesions in the toes or the soles. 

Upon close inspection, you will see that plantar warts look like small marks until it turns brown and appears like a cauliflower.  Plantar warts are found in the bottom of the foot and it tends to grow inwards since the warts are pushed by your weight especially when you walk.  Needless to say, plantar warts are painful and irritating.  It was just like walking with a stone in the bottom of your foot all day long. 




Plantar warts, just like other warts, are caused by HPV strains specifically strains 1 and 2.  The said strains flourish in areas that are moist and warm like the decks of swimming pools, shower or bath rooms and the likes.  The said HPV strains are contagious and it can even survive and thrive for a couple of months even in a solid surface. Thus, it can spread from one person to another by mere touching or walking without proper feet protection in areas where HPV strains thrive or by sharing towels with a person who might have plantar warts.  




The foremost symptom of having plantar warts is the pain at the bottom of your foot especially when you are walking.  It can look like calluses or corns but upon close inspection, the crusty outgrowth has black pinpoints from the coagulated blood while corns or calluses have none.  Also, plantar warts are rough, your feet could feel sore and tender while corns are clear and smooth. 


Plantar Warts Treatments


Different wart treatments can help you ease the pain and remove the unsightly plantar warts.  Although not all plantar warts are painful and could vanish after a couple of months or even years, plantar warts are unsightly and frustrating.  So, if you decide to wait for months and months end or even years for plantar warts to vanish naturally, another option is to seek skin treatments and remove warts.


Different ways on how to remove plantar warts are cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen or by using an electric needle through the electrosurgery treatment.  Other treatments are through laser surgery or over the counter chemical solutions like salicylic acid.  However, the safer and relatively painless wart removal treatment is to use Dewart cream. 


Dewart cream is a herbal cautery wart removal treatment that uses natural preparation from the cashew oil extract.  The cream effectively cauterizes all types of warts including plantar warts without experiencing so much pain in your foot and also in your pocket.  Unlike other wart treatments, using Dewart cream is relatively painless, safe and affordable.  Other wart removal treatments needed to be repeated before it can successfully remove warts but with Dewart cream, wart removal treatment is proven to be more effective.

Filiform or Facial Warts 


Filiform warts or veruccaplana is embarrassing to have for the obvious reason that it grow just about anywhere in the face.  Facial warts can grow in your eyelids, face, neck and even in your lips.  Facial warts or also sometimes called plane warts can lower your self-esteem since unlike other warts, you could not easily hide or cover facial warts. 



Just like other warts, filiform or facial warts are caused by some strains of HPV that thrive in moist and warm areas. Facial warts, just like the plantar warts, are a variant of the common warts that can spread rapidly.  The HPV strain is infections so simply sharing sponges in make ups or even sharing towels could trigger the spread of facial warts.  And since facial warts can spread rapidly, more embarrassment would come your way especially that the warts could multiply not just in numbers but also in size if facial warts are not removed.   




Facial warts are narrow and long flesh-colored skin outgrowths that can look like a frond or leaf.  It can grow in clusters or just a single wart and it can spread rapidly.  Facial warts are not malignant or non-cancerous.  You may even not notice small facial warts but it can grow in size, spread anywhere in your face and it can be itchy. 


Facial warts are also painless unlike the plantar warts.  But having a wart in the tip of your nose, your eyelids or even in your lips could be irritating and bothersome. And since the HPV strain that causes facial warts are infectious, it can then spread in other parts of your face.  


Facial Warts Treatment


Cryotherapy, electrotherapy, laser surgery and surgery are effective treatment options for facial warts but treatments can be painful, expensive and it can leave a scar in your face.   Over-the-counter topical medications like trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, and fluorouracil, on the other hand, are affordable but it may not be effective and facial warts can go back.   


Another skin treatment option is by using Dewart cream, a herbal cautery that is proven safe, effective and will leave no scar in your face.  Herbal cautery makes use of the oil extract of the cashew nut as its main and potent ingredient.  The natural medicinal component of the cashew extract kills the HPV strain that caused facial warts.

Periungual Warts


The warts that you see around and under the nails of your fingers and toes are called periungual warts or nail warts.  Periungual warts cannot be seen or spotted easily since its appearance is smooth and it can only grow the size of a pinhead.  But once it fully developed, the warts under your nails could grow as big as a pea with jagged bumps.  The warts can even affect the growth of your nails or deform its growth.  As the warts grow bigger, it can even remove your nails or causes your nails to be susceptible to fungal diseases.



Just like other causes of warts, some infectious HPV strains are the culprit.  So, whenever you pick, bite or tear your nails, you are giving the HPV strain a chance to enter and infect your nails.  To protect your nails from periungual warts, take time to wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitizers whenever possible.      




When you see skin-colored uneven and rough bumps under and around your fingernails or toenails, you have periungual warts.  The uneven and rough bumps can appear like a cauliflower and it can cause embarrassment and it could lower your self-esteem.  Children or young adults and those with low immune system are those who are mostly prone to develop warts and if left untreated, the warts can be painful and irritating.  Also, since the HPV strain that causes periungual warts are contagious, it can spread to the other parts of your body especially if you often bit your nails and you fail to wash your hands regularly.    


Periungual Warts Treatment


The skin treatments for periungual warts are the same treatments for other types of warts.  Periungual warts can be removed using the freezing treatment of liquid nitrogen in cryotherapy, laser surgery, incision through good ol’ surgery and electrocautery.  However, the said treatments are expensive and can be very painful especially that the warts are located under and around the nails of your fingers or toes.  Over-the-counter treatments using salicylic acid and other topical treatments are less expensive but it could not ensure success in removing periungual warts.      


However, herbal cautery with the oil of the cashew nut as its main ingredient is known to be safe and effective wart removal treatment option.  The Dewart cream naturally cauterizes periungual warts with less pain.  This relatively painless wart removal treatment is easy on the budget yet effective way to remove warts and bringing you back your self-esteem.


To avoid contracting periungual warts, keep those nails short and regularly clip the nails of young children.  Yet the simplest way to avoid warts is to keep your hands clean and always wash your hands with soap and water.

Flat Warts


Young adults and children are those who are most likely to develop flat warts or also called juvenile warts.  Like other types of warts, flat warts can also be the size of a pinhead yet its main difference with other warts is its appearance—flat warts also have tops that are flat and smooth.  Flat warts can also develop in cluster and can grow just anywhere in your body.  However, the most common skin areas infected by flat warts are your forehead, face, hands, arms and your neck.  Flat warts can be similar to the color of your skin or its color may vary from yellow, lighter brown, or even pink. 



HPV strains specifically 3, 10, 28 and strain 49 usually cause flat warts.  Just like other HPV strains, the viruses that cause flat warts also thrive in warm and most areas of your skin and once they found the suitable spot in your body, flat warts will grow and multiply.  To prevent flat warts, regularly wash your hands or keep your hands clean.  This will keep you from contracting or picking up HPV strains in objects or from other people. 




Flat warts can grow and multiply in any part of your body especially the face, legs or areas that you often shave.  Yet, it does not grow rapidly unlike other types of warts.  Flat warts can grow to its visible size after a year or even more and it has flat and smooth surface.  Flat warts are non-cancerous but since it develop in cluster, it can cause embarrassment. 


Some people may just ignore warts since your body’s immune system will naturally fight the HPV virus and that the warts will go away or vanish after a few months or even years.  Yet it is better to seek skin treatment and remove warts than suffer the embarrassment of having visible and ugly warts.  Also, since flat warts develop in clusters or in multiples flat warts can be a little difficult to treat.


Flat Warts Treatment


You may treat flat warts using over-the-counter (OTC) remedies like salicylic acid.  However, some OTC medications take many months before it take effect and remove your warts.  On some instances, OTC medications do not work especially on big warts with deep roots.  Other treatments are cryotherapy wherein the tissue infected with HPV is frozen using liquid nitrogen; while other treatment options are electro-surgery or by using laser surgery.  However, surgical incision, cryotherapy, electrocautery or laser surgery treatments are expensive and painful.  So, another alternative and perhaps the better and effective alternative to warts removal is by using Dewart cream. 


The main ingredient of Dewart cream is the oil extract of the cashew nut.  Cashew is known to have medicinal properties from its bark, leaves and its fruit.  So, using Dewart cream is a safe, effective and affordable way on removing flat warts with bearable pain.  If fact, the skin treatment is relatively painless unlike other treatments.

Oral Warts


Oral warts are becoming more and more prevalent nowadays due to the increase activity of oral sex.  Thus, warts also found its way on the inner cavity of the mouth or the warts can nestle in your lips.  Although oral warts are small, grow in small numbers and generally painless, it can be irritated. 



HPV strains 2, 6, 11, 13, and 32 are known to cause the development of oral warts.  Since the HPV strains are contagious, the virus can then spread through genital-oral contact and even kissing. 




Oral warts can be very annoying and embarrassing.  Oral warts inside the oral cavity can make your mouth feel raw and itchy particularly if the warts are irritated by the tongue and hard food.  Accidentally biting oral warts can even cause irritation and bleeding.  But more so, the lumpy and sometimes rough oral warts could get in the way of your enjoyment of food.  Oral warts can also appear as dome-shaped skin outgrowths and its color may be white, it could take the normal color of your oral cavity or it could be thick leaf-like skin outgrowths. 


Oral Warts Treatment


Researches show that oral warts can pose more health risk than other types of warts since it can lead to cancer.  Although your immune system can fight off the HOV virus that can lead to the natural disappearance of oral warts, it is still better to treat oral warts right away.  So, different treatments can be used to remove oral warts like with the use of cryotherapy, carbon dioxide laser surgery, surgical incision or even topical medications. 


To prevent oral warts, condoms should be used when engaging in oral sex.  Dental dams are also useful for prevention of oral warts.  Keep in mind that a condom will not cover all areas that are infected so it is not a guarantee that you will be protected.  In order to 100% prevent being infected with HPV you must refrain from having sexual relations with an infected person.

Genital Warts


Genital warts are perhaps the best-kept secret of any man and woman.  Yet since genital warts are also caused by some HPV strains, almost everybody is susceptible to develop genital warts.  In fact, researches show that 80% of the U.S.A. population will be infected of HPV in their lifetime while around 5% are prone to have genital warts. 

Genital warts for women are called vaginal warts while it was called penile warts for men.  The warts can appear gray, white or even flesh-colored skin growths that could develop in and around the genital areas. Genital warts, if left untreated, can cause health complications apart from the embarrassment that it can give you. 




Condyloma, other term to call genital warts, is transmitted sexually and is caused by an HPV strain that is highly contagious.  Untreated genital warts can spread to the other sexual partner.  The warts can stay in the body for a couple of years or even several weeks and if it was removed or treated, it can grow back.  


The presence of warts in general was affected by the health condition of the person affected as well as the level of his immune system and not to mention the strength of the HPV strain.  More so, researches cite that other factors affecting how the HPV virus will attack the body include stress, certain illness or medical conditions including HIV.  But even though HPV and HIV are transmitted sexually, the infection in the latter is through the body fluids while HPV can only be passed through direct contact in the HPV infected areas.    


So, sexual contact with a genital warts-infected person will make the other sexual partner prone to also develop warts.  Oral sex can even give oral warts to the other sexual partner.  To avoid virus transmission, the use of latex for protection can help stop the spread of HPV and HIV.  Yet, using condom alone is not a sure-fire way to protect yourself from HPV and genital warts since there are some HPV-infected areas that may not be reached or covered by condom. 




Researches show that a person who engaged sexual contact with an HPV infected person is also likely to develop genital warts.  However, even though the sexual contact only happened once, there is still a high chance of contracting HPV and it could appear after a few months or it could even appear after a few years for some people. 


Many people are also not aware that they have genital warts unless close inspection is done.  Genital warts can be flat and smooth while there are those that can take the appearance of a cauliflower.  The small bumps can grow outside the vagina or vulva but warts can also grow inside the cervix of a woman.  While for men, genital warts can grow in the penis or in the anal area. 


There are genital that are big and it would be easy for you to see but there are those that are so small it would be difficult for you to know that you are already infected.   But most warts are itchy and you will feel a slightly burning sensation in your genitalia.  The warts too may appear in clusters or groups.  It is easier for men to know if they are infected with genital warts but it is a little challenging for women.  Sometimes, women will know that they have warts in their cervix once they experienced bleeding every after sexual intercourse.  Also, HPV virus can remain inactive in your body even up to three years with no visible symptoms.  


Genital Warts Treatment


Genital warts can be dangerous especially for pregnant women.  Mothers could pass on the HPV virus to their newborn thus making their babies prone to develop warts in their noses or even their throat.  So, one of the best ways for women to take care of their health is to get a Papsmear on a regular basis.  A Papsmear will not only detect the presence of HPV and genital warts but it can also help detect cancer or any changes in the cervix of a woman. 


Apart from this, men or women can treat and remove genital warts by using doctor-prescribed topical creams.  However, pregnant women should follow and need to know the restrictions when using topical creams since it could cause birth defects for your unborn child.  Aside from topical treatment, cryotherapy, laser surgey, elctrocautery and even surgical incisions are some types of wart treatment.  However, the said treatments can be expensive and extremely painful. 


The better and effective alternative of removing genital warts is by using a herbal cautery that is made from the active ingredient of a cashew nut. The medicinal properties of the cashew oil in the DeGen cream safely remove genital warts.  The topical herbal treatment is proven to be safe, effective, affordable and relatively painless.    


Genital warts can be a source of embarrassment for most people but by removing your warts using DeGen cream, there will be no more secrets.  Genital warts can pose serious health complications that keeping mum or keeping your silence about it will do you no good.  So, it is better to consult your doctor and treat the genital warts using DeGen cream, safe, effective, relatively painless and affordable treatments. 


Prevention of Genital Warts


To protect women against HPV, doctors recommend that women from 9 up to 26 years of age take immunization against HPV.  More so, the vaccine works better if administered to a woman even before any active sexual activity. This will not only protect them from developing vaginal warts but it will also protect them from developing cervical cancer.   


Yet aside from immunization, another effective way to keep away from genital warts is to avoid having multiple sexual partners.  Doctors and specialists would advise to keep or limit your sexual activity with just one wart-free partner.

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